Jobstown trial and public protest

Sir, – Common sense has prevailed with the innocent verdict for all of the Jobstown Six. Undoubtedly it was a very unpleasant and even frightening experience for Joan Burton and her adviser Karen O’Connell.

However, that is not a good enough reason to jail six people.

With this acquittal, the public’s right to protest has been upheld. – Yours, etc,



Arbour Hill,

Dublin 7.

Sir, – Am I alone in observing the irony of Paul Murphy TD being defended and acquitted on the basis of due process by the very institutions of the “establishment” that he so despises?

I suspect not! – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.

Sir, – In his reflection on the Jobstown trial, Colm Keena refers to social media commentary in support of the accused that was "shocking in its verbal violence and uncontrolled hatred" ("Tone of Jobstown trial was both modern and alarming", Opinion & Analysis, June 30th). He describes how Joan Burton sat in a Toyota while protesters shouted "Bitch. Whore. C**t".

This type of hatred is the inevitable byproduct of the highly divisive street politics and cynical discourse of the Trotskyist left.

Add to that the failure of Ireland’s political elite to ensure that workers can afford a house, decent healthcare, etc, and the result is a toxic mix that is in danger of making this State ungovernable.

Meanwhile the mainstream Irish media pursues its bizarre obsession with Donald Trump. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13

A chara, – I totally accept the court’s decision, but what happened to Joan Burton should not be allowed to happen to a politician going about their work. I don’t care what party they represent.

Do not organise a protest if you are not 100 per cent certain you can keep it peaceful. – Is mise,




Co Wexford.