Refugees and housing crisis

Sir, – While reading the news report on new Government plans to tackle the housing crisis ("Builders to be able to use extended hours to ramp up housing output", News, April 26th), it crossed my mind that what the Government should do is pretend that all homeless people are refugees; it seems to spur them into thinking outside the box, where they found the idea of letting builders "extend working hours" lying around.

What next, a Government housing agency that actually builds houses? – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Taoiseach Micheál Martin has rejected the idea of putting a cap on the number of Ukrainian refugees in Ireland (News, April 25th). Is this realistic? We all have total compassion for these people and it is almost impossible to comprehend the devastation in their lives. However, we have a housing crisis in this country which is nowhere near being solved. How can we find accommodation for the thousands of refugees who are here already and the further thousands now expected? Already people who offered shelter in the first flood of desire to help have withdrawn their offers. Others accepted refugees into their homes and found themselves unable to cope. This is not a commitment for a few weeks and the situation could last for years. Even if hostilities ceased tomorrow, how long would it take for Ukrainians to be in a position to return to their country, much of which has been destroyed? Is there a proper plan in progress for accepting and dealing with all the problems and the heartbreak of those now suffering?

Altruism is admirable but we have to be sure that we can carry out what we promise. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.