Jacket colour clash fails to spoil President's meet-and-greet partyIt can be awkward turning up at a party wearing the same outfit as someone else, but when that someone else is the President …Fri Jul 08 2005 - 01:00
Difficult season for some tourism attractionsB&Bs and visitor attractions are experiencing a more difficult tourism season this year, while walking holidays are still…Thu Jul 07 2005 - 01:00
Prison or fines for ignoring laws on recyclingPenalties of up to €15 million and 10 years' imprisonment will be introduced for companies that fail to comply with new electrical…Thu Jul 07 2005 - 01:00
Crisis looms over lack of arthritis services, expert warnsAgeing population: A leading arthritis specialist has warned that a major crisis is looming because of our ageing population…Tue Jul 05 2005 - 01:00
Listeriosis warning after outbreak in EuropeThe dangers of contracting food poisoning from listeriosis infection have been highlighted by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland…Tue Jul 05 2005 - 01:00
Britain deporting Irish prisonersConcern has been expressed at the increasing trend of deporting Irish-born prisoners from Britain when they finish their sentences…Tue Jul 05 2005 - 01:00
Judge calls for juvenile prison to be destroyedInspector of Prisons Mr Justice Dermot Kinlen said the Minister for Justice and the Oireachtas "should be ashamed" of St Patrick…Sat Jul 02 2005 - 01:00
Street collections raise most for charities - studyJust 12 per cent of Irish adults make fixed monthly donations to charity, new research has found.Sat Jul 02 2005 - 01:00
Taxi commissioner unveils plans to regulate industryTaxi drivers will have to do training courses, make their cars more disability friendly and adhere to a new code of practice …Fri Jul 01 2005 - 01:00
ID cards in Britain would have implications here, says McDowellThe proposed introduction of national identity cards in Britain would have "significant implications" for this State, Minister…Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:00
Disabled appeals backlogThere is a two-year backlog in dealing with appeals from disabled people who have been refused tax breaks for modifying their…Thu Jun 30 2005 - 01:00
Logan calls for broader debate on childcareThe Ombudsman for Children Emily Logan has expressed concern that debates about childcare are too focused on money and not about…Wed Jun 29 2005 - 01:00
Report calls on State to protect womenAn Amnesty International report to be published today claims that a pattern of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and trafficking…Tue Jun 28 2005 - 01:00
Calls for retrial of Irish man in UK jail for murderTaoiseach Bertie Ahern has been urged to raise the case of an Irish jockey jailed in Britain for murder with British prime minister…Tue Jun 28 2005 - 01:00
Curragh's international stable puts EU to shameEU unity may have suffered a setback lately with the double rejection of the EU constitution, but the Curragh was a model of …Mon Jun 27 2005 - 01:00
Trustees 'not aware of €20m tax proposal'Moriarty tribunal: Members of the Dunne family trust did not know that Ben Dunne had a meeting with the chairman of the Revenue…Sat Jun 25 2005 - 01:00
A giant among robots: the invasion has begunDublin is going to be invaded by robots this summer as the city's first Save the Robots festival gets under way at the Ark Cultural…Wed Jun 22 2005 - 01:00
Operation U2 prepares for 250,000 fansGardaí have announced policing plans to deal with almost 250,000 people who will attend the three U2 concerts at Croke Park this…Wed Jun 22 2005 - 01:00
Rural project may take pressure off health servicesA Co Meath project that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people in rural areas could have the long-term benefit of…Fri Jun 17 2005 - 01:00
Farmleigh set for feast of free eventsAnother summer series of free public events will take place at Farmleigh, the stately mansion in Dublin's Phoenix Park.Thu Jun 16 2005 - 01:00
Roche urged to reject EU plan to end GM bansTDs and senators have urged Minister for the Environment Dick Roche to reject a plan by the European Commission to stop member…Thu Jun 16 2005 - 01:00
Test case on bin charges for top courtThe Supreme Court is to hear a test case over the legality of bin charges levied by Dublin City Council before it introduced …Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
Call for ban on addition of fluoride to waterA group of Irish dentists has called for a ban on the addition of fluoride to tap water following a US study which found that…Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
Call to involve children in policy creationThe involvement of children in drawing up policies makes it more likely they will vote in elections when they get older, according…Wed Jun 15 2005 - 01:00
Dementia rates likely to double in next 16 yearsThe number of people with dementia is expected to almost double in the next 16 years, a conference on Alzheimer's disease heard…Mon Jun 13 2005 - 01:00
Broad welcome among anti-poverty campaigners for debt cancellationReaction: The G8 deal, which immediately cancels the debt of 18 of the world's poorest countries, has been broadly welcomed …Mon Jun 13 2005 - 01:00
Marks & Spencer recall clothing after sewing needles are foundMarks & Spencer has removed more than 12,000 items from its shelves in Ireland and Britain, after sewing machine needles …Mon Jun 13 2005 - 01:00
Rally against Asbos in Dublin tomorrowA mass rally to protest at the proposed introduction of antisocial behaviour orders (Asbos) and increased Garda powers will be…Fri Jun 10 2005 - 01:00
McDowell fudging issue of Garda harassment - McBreartyThe McBrearty family yesterday rejected the suggestion by Minister for Justice Michael McDowell that previous governments were…Fri Jun 10 2005 - 01:00
Simple measures urged to save tap waterHouseholders have been urged to take simple measures to save water, such as turning off the tap when brushing teeth or using …Wed Jun 08 2005 - 01:00
Half-million people on move for busy holidayMore than 500,000 people are expected to travel in and out of the State in the coming days in one of the busiest weekends of …Sat Jun 04 2005 - 01:00
Archbishop Tutu arrives for Dublin visit tomorrowSouth African Archbishop Emeritus and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Desmond Tutu will arrive in Ireland tomorrow for a number of…Sat Jun 04 2005 - 01:00
Local authorities not availing of fundingSelect Committee on Environment: Local authorities are not taking up available funding to provide central heating in council…Thu Jun 02 2005 - 01:00
British mediation model favouredCommittee on justice: People who refuse to attend mediation in family law cases should be denied their costs if they win the…Thu Jun 02 2005 - 01:00
Most visitors shocked by revelationsLeas Cross: There was a constant stream of visitors to the Leas Cross nursing home and retirement complex in north Co Dublin…Wed Jun 01 2005 - 01:00
Noble says €60,000 gone from charityThe Christina Noble Foundation confirmed last night that a Garda investigation was under way into the possible misappropriation…Tue May 31 2005 - 01:00
Charity wristband inspired by late pope's messageA new charity wristband will be launched today which encourages Leaving and Junior Cert students to "Be Not Afraid"Tue May 31 2005 - 01:00
Five men killed in weekend accidents on roadsTwo motorcyclists were killed in separate road accidents in Limerick and Cavan on Sunday night, while a motorist who was involved…Tue May 31 2005 - 01:00
Charity wristbands: story so farThe charity wristband craze was started in the sports world when the cyclist Lance Armstrong developed the "Live Strong" bracelet…Tue May 31 2005 - 01:00
Date in September sought for PavarottiOrganisers are trying to arrange a new date in September after 7,000 Pavarotti fans were disappointed on Saturday when the Italian…Mon May 30 2005 - 01:00
Four die in road accidents, house fire over weekendThree men were killed in separate road accidents over the weekend, while a fourth died in a fire at his home in Cork.Mon May 30 2005 - 01:00
Masked men raid Dundalk greyhound trackRaiders tied up a security man and took a substantial sum of cash from Dundalk greyhound stadium early yesterday morning.Mon May 30 2005 - 01:00
Garda inquiry under way into deaths of raidersAn internal Garda investigation is under way into the death of two raiders in a foiled post office robbery in Lusk, north Co …Fri May 27 2005 - 01:00
Irish giant included in tome of biographyIrish giant Cornelius Magrath has been included in the updated Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , published online today…Thu May 26 2005 - 01:00
Rights body points to Irish abusesIreland: The Irish Government is failing to protect the human rights of people with disabilities, asylum seekers, prisoners …Thu May 26 2005 - 01:00
US setting tone for rights abuses - reportUS: The US government has thumbed its nose at human rights and has granted a licence to others to commit abuse with "impunity…Thu May 26 2005 - 01:00
Clinton lends support to Aids initiativePeople can no longer sit back and blame their governments for not addressing the Aids crisis in developing countries, former …Wed May 25 2005 - 01:00
Woman hit by Garda car 'critical but stable'The elderly woman struck by a Garda car in Clonskeagh, Dublin, on Sunday afternoon was in a "critical but stable" state at Beaumont…Tue May 24 2005 - 01:00
Parents and pupils attend prayer serviceLocal reaction: Parents of pupils from Loreto secondary school were among the crowds who gathered in the Church of the Assumption…Tue May 24 2005 - 01:00
Gama workers to consider company's proposalsStriking Gama workers are to meet today to consider the company's proposals for a return to work.Tue May 24 2005 - 01:00