After the Widgery tribunal was rushed and deemed a "whitewash" by locals, the Saville inquiry is the definitive account of Bloody Sunday

British soldiers gunned down civil rights protesters in Derry in 1972. These are their stories

Budget 2018 will see between €1.1 and €1.2 billion of new spending and tax cuts, split 2:1  in favour of spending. Photograph: Getty

Cost of 20 cigarettes will increase by 50 cents but duties on alcohol remain untouched

Billionaire Denis O’Brien has criticised claims made about his business affairs in the Dáil on Friday by Social Democrats TD Catherine Murphy. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

TD says she stands over speech related to IBRC, billionaire and Paddy McKillen

Philip Cairns would have celebrated his 43rd birthday this year, but he will forever be the 13-year old boy in the photographs published after his disappearance on his way back to school after lunch on Thursday, October 23rd, 1986.

Nearly 30 years later name of south Dublin boy is immediately recognisable

Fianna Fáil TDs Lisa Chambers and Dara Calleary celebrate after being elected in the Mayo constituency and denying Fine Gael a seat. Photograph: Michael Mc Laughlin.

What to watch out for as the counts continue

Michael Lynn will return to face charges relating to the collapse of his property empire, more than eight years on from when he failed to turn up to High Court proceedings in Dublin. Photograph: Garrett White/Collins

While fugitive former solicitor is not yet back in Ireland, his fight to stay in Brazil is over

Pauline Tully McAuley recalled fearing that she was going to die and her ex-husband Pearse McAuley bringing their two young boys into the kitchen of her home to say goodbye to her on Christmas eve last. Photograph: Lorraine Teevan.

Pauline Tully McAuley says republican insisted ‘I’m in control’ during attack with steak knife

The names of motorists disqualified from driving may soon be published publically in an attempt to name and shame them and keep barred motorists off the roads, the chief executive of the Road Safety Authority has said.

Road Safety Authority chief hopes peer pressure can address ‘societal issue’ in Ireland

The €1.5 billion package of tax cuts and spending increases contains a number of sweeteners. Photograph: Getty Images

Reductions in USC, a rise in the old-age pension, more teachers and gardaí to be hired

Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly has ordered that a byelection be held to fill the Seanad seat vacated by Labour’s Jimmy Harte.  Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times.

Labour’s Jimmy Harte resigned from Upper House last week

Businessman Denis O’Brien. File photograph; Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Injunction preventing RTÉ broadcast also directed at other media outlets

 John   and Marian Buckley, parents of Karen Buckley, make a statement with Police Scotland Det Supt Jim Kerr (right) during a press conference in Glasgow. Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA

Police investigating case find handbag belonging to missing Cork woman

President Michael D Higgins has used his St Patrick’s Day message to urge the public to look to the future with “optimism and confidence” amid indications that an economic recovery is occurring in Ireland. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times.

In a St Patrick’s Day message, Michael D Higgins says holiday ‘a time to come together’

The number of work permits issued to non-EEA workers grew by 42% last year

Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams has said that the  next general election will present the public with an unprecedented opportunity to transform the political landscape. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Sinn Féin leader accuses Government of lining up with EU elite against Greece

A total of 116 puppies were seized from two vehicles bound for the UK at Dublin Port on Wednesday. The pups, aged between five and eight weeks old, were recovered when two vans were stopped and searched yesterday evening at Dublin Port following an  investigation into the illegal shipment of dogs. Photograph: DSPCA/PA Wire.

Pugs, Cocker Spaniels and Shih Tzus among the breeds being shipped to UK

Clare Daly: A Bill moved by the Independent socialist TD for Dublin North last December providing for a referendum on abortion was defeated by 110 votes to 13. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Proposal sponsored by Independent Clare Daly for cases of fatal foetal abnormality

Rory McIlroy leaves the Four Courts in Dublin on Tuesday night after meetings between his side and Horizon Sports Management. Photograph: Courts Collins

Further progress reported between golfer and Horizon Management

Publicans have met Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald to call for the lifting of a ban on selling alcohol on Good Friday.  Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Publicans say law more damaging this year with big European rugby clash in Dublin

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has informed the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry  that former ECB president Jean Claude Trichet is willing to examine a number of options that could allow him to provide the committee with information it is seeking from the bank in relation to development around the time of  the State’s financial collapse.  Photographer: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Kenny tells committee Trichet may be quizzed by Irish MEPs

Prof Philip Lane of Trinity College Dublin arrving at the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry at Leinster House in Dublin. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

Prof Philip Lane says such a measure could have funded bank recapitalisation or Nama

File photo: President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi (left) with Klaus Regling. Photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times

Clear lack of budgetary discipline fed crisis, says Regling

Patrick Honohan, governor of the Central Bank, arriving at the Dáil for the Oireachtas banking inquiry. Photograph: Alan Betson

Governor says government should have considered liquidation of Anglo instead of bank guarantee

Labour’s Ciaran Lynch is chairman of the banking inquiry. Photograph; Dara Mac Dónaill

Money went on ‘buildings nobody wanted to live in’, says governor of Central Bank

Brian Lenihan wanted to nationalise Anglo and INBS on night of bank guarantee in 2008

Patrick Honohan speaking before the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry

Cost of bank guarantee and rescue likely to be €40bn, Central Bank governor says

Sean Doherty (right) with President Patrick Hillery and Charles Haughey (centre). Photograph: The Irish Times.

Rachel Doherty says programme is unfair to Charles Haughey’s minister for justice

A 1990 photograph of Dr Maeve Hillery (second left) and her husband Patrick (second right) with Nelson Mandela and his wife, Winnie, and then taoiseach Charles J Haughey at Arás an Uachtaráin. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times.

UCD medical graduate passed away peacefully at the weekend aged 90

Nurses  protest at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin last week over overcrowding in the emergency department. Union members in Galway have now voted in favour of industrial action. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times.

INMO says decision taken as conditions for staff and patients at a ‘ grossly unsafe’ level

Minister for Children James Reilly said, because he is no longer minister for health, he could not say why his promise that “never again” would the number waiting on trolleys exceed the then record of 569 had been broken. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times.

Reilly said he can’t say why promise about trolleys broken as he’s no longer health minister

Minister for Defence Simon Coveney: on the recommendation that  blasphemy be removed from the Irish Constitution, he said,   “Having blasphemy in the Constitution is inappropriate and I think that needs to change.” Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times.

We must defend freedom of the press, says Minister for Defence Simon Coveney

File photograph: Former Fine Gael strategist Frank Flannery (right) with Enda Kenny,  Phil Hogan and Richard Bruton. Minister for Children James Reilly has said he would welcome Mr Flannery back to the party.  Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill.

Former strategist, who left party amid controversy over Rehab Group, met Taoiseach recently

Tanaiste Joan Burton with French ambassador  to Ireland Jean Pierre Thebault,  following a minute’s silence at the French Residence on Aylesbury Road, Dublin. Photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins

Tanaiste says freedom of the press ‘cornerstone’ of Irish democracy

Nurses at Dublin’s Beaumont Hospital vote to begin work-to-rule on January 27th

Minister for Jobs Richard Bruton  (centre) at the publication of the IDA 2014 end of year update on Tuesday. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times.

Fianna Fáil says patients being left ‘without privacy or dignity’ as staff struggle to cope

Nursing staff at Dublin’s Beaumont Hospital are to serve notice of industrial action on Tuesday and begin a work to rule later this month.  Photograph: Dara MacDónaill/The Irish Times.

INMO says overcrowding creating risks for patients and placing huge workload on staff

A contaminated water supply in Co Galway could affect supply to about 1,000 people for two years.  Photographer: Ian Waldie/Bloomberg.

About 1,000 residents in Williamstown affected by contaminated water supply

 Irish beef has gained access to the valuable US market for the first time in almost 15 years.

Ireland first EU state to export beef into US since EU imports banned after BSE crisis

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Department of Public Expenditure figures show 1,338 to have retired by end of this year

A documentary showing staff mistreating residents at a Co Mayo centre for adults with intellectual disabilities depicts “evil acts”, according to Phelim Quinn, the chief executive of the Health Information and Quality Authority (Hiqa) . Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons/The Irish Times

Minister of State Kathleen Lynch ‘shocked and distressed’ by poor standards of care

Joe Higgins (right) said he expected tens of thousands of people to participate in the march, which he believed could have a “material impact” on  water charges, the austerity agenda and the durability of the Government

Acknowledgement across Leinster House that protest will be large

Glen Jeffries and George Nolan in Cobh, Co Cork, yesterday, before travelling to Dublin for the water protest. Photograph: Michael Mac Sweeney/Provision

Anti-water charge organisers promise a ‘family friendly’ day with music, comedy

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland chief executive Brian Motherway: “much to gain” if Ireland could reduce the exposure of the State’s energy system to imported fossil fuels. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Sustainable Energy Authority report suggests rush to buy fuel ahead of carbon tax

Socialist Party TDs (from left) Ruth Coppinger TD, Paul Murphy TD and Joe Higgins TD. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Socialist TDs expect peaceful and disciplined demonstration to reflect public anger

Minister for Transport Paschal Donohoe is seeking advice from the Office of the Attorney General over a flaw in the driver penalty points system. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Minister for Transport seeks advice from Attorney General on problem with legislation

Sheila Giles Mullan protests the water charges outside Leinster House in Dublin. A number of Right2Water marches take place on Wednesday afternoon. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Extent of road closures depends on number of people taking part in the protests

Taoiseach Enda Kenny: said there would not be a general election before spring 2016.

Taoiseach and Joan Burton deny rift in Coalition over tax

British comic Russell Brand has urged Irish people to take the day off work on Wednesday to join the protest against water charges. Image: YouTube

Right2Water marches may cause traffic disruptions, gardaí say

Public to be repaid before junior bondholders who are back of the queue, says Burton

Tánaiste Joan Burton has denied there is a disagreement between Fine Gael and Labour over tax reform but says the issue has lead to “strong debate and discussion” between the Coalition parties.  Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times.

Tánaiste says ‘real case’ for tax reform arises in relation to low and middle income earners

Electricity pylons near New Ross, Co Wexford. EirGrid is to seek planning permission for the contentious GridWest and GridLink projects at the end of next year and in the middle of 2016 respectively. Photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times.

Planning permission for GridWest and GridLink projects to be sought by mid-2016

A file photograph of a  squirrel looking for food in a snow covered Merrion Square in Dublin.Met Éireann has forecast flurries of snow on higher ground in the west,  east and north of the country this weekend. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien/ The Irish Times.

... but we wouldn’t be so irresponsible

An Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll showing that less half of households intend to pay the water charges has been described as “disastrous” news for the Government,  Socialist Party TD Paul Murphy has said. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Kelly says registrations up since regime revised but poll shows only 48% intend to pay

Fine Gael MEP Brian Hayes says many measures could be introduced to prevent a future property bubble “without dumping on first-time buyers”. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Fine Gael MEP says task of saving a deposit of €70,000 ‘impossible’ for many

Former Progressive Democrat and Fianna Fáil minister Des O’Malley has denied ever having had an Ansbacher account.  Photograph: Dave Meehan

Names of former politicians investigated for alleged tax evasion read into Dáil record

Representatives of business groups told the Oireachtas Justice Committee that aggressive begging had become more prevalent in the last 12 months and that additional garda resources were required to address the issue. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

Begging having knock-on effect on commerce says Licensed Vintners Association

Minister of State  for Overseas Development Aid Seán Sherlock, Minister for Foreign Affairs  Charlie Flanagan and Erik Solheim of the OECD at the launch of a review of Ireland’s aid programme  at Government Buildings, Dublin. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

OECD says Irish programme ‘punches above its weight’ but timeline for hitting UN target needed

A man walks past flowers left near Leinster House in Dublin, where a man was found dead this morning. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

More than 160 people now sleeping rough in capital as winter weather sets in

A homeless man was found dead in a doorway on Molesworth Street in Dublin this morning.   Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins.

Some 168 people were found sleeping on the city’s streets during official count last month

Football Association of Ireland chief executive John Delaney (right) has said he is sorry if his rendition of the republican ballad Joe McDonnell offended anybody and that he does not support violence or believe in every lyric in the song. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times.

FAI chief says singing recorded ‘in sly way’ and he does not ‘believe every lyric’

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has been criticised for comments in which he referred to unionists as ‘bastards’. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins.

UUP says comment from Sinn Féin president in Enniskillen shows ‘true, bigoted colours’

 Protesters battle  high winds and rain on Vinegar Hill, while taking part in a protests against pylons and wind turbines, at Enniscorthy, Co Wexford, last January. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

This is the year of U-turns, both in Government and Opposition, but is doing a U-ey always a bad thing?

Fine Gael TD Noel Coonan (centre) give a thumbs up to photographers on the of the 31st Dáil in Leinster House in 2011. He  has claimed the State is facing “what is potentially an Isis situation” if anti-water charge protesters are allowed to continue with their demonstrations.   Photograph: Matt Kavanagh/The Irish Times.

Noel Coonan TD receives death threat over Islamic State/water protests comparison

A complaint about a Newstalk radio presenter stating his support for same-sex marriage has been upheld in part by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.  Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times.

Listener said conduct heard on Newstalk programme could make referendum ‘a farce’

RTÉ has announced that its deputy foreign editor Fiona Mitchell is to take up the role of London correspondent in January.  Photograph: RTÉ.

Deputy foreign editor to take on role two years after broadcaster closed bureau in city

Above: Filter tanks in the Liffey Works Water Treatment Plant in Ballymore Eustace. Below (left to right): former minister for environment Phil Hogan, Irish Water director John Tierney, and Minister for Environment Alan Kelly. Photographs: The Irish Times.

A chronological drip-feed from the abolition to the reintroduction of water charges

 Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly at a press conference in Government Buildings outlining revised water charges. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Dail suspended following a row between the Government and Opposition over new plan

 Socialist Party TDs say that the Government has missed the point of the anti-water charges protests by offering concessions on costs. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Socialist Party TD says public opposed to charges as a whole, not individual costs

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has said he hopes Irish Water “amicably” follows through on a decision to not pay staff bonuses for this year given the “difficulties” at the utility company. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Siptu to meet management at utility company over decision to cancel 2014 payments

Minister For Justice Frances Fitzgerald said victims of crime had “not got enough recognition in our criminal justice system and need to be dealt with with more sensitivity, and kept informed about what is happening”. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

People often finding out in the media about accused parties being convicted

Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald has denied that the Government’s selection of the chair designate of the new Policing Authority followed a non-transparent process. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Minister for Justice insists Government appointment process transparent

Beef farmers at a protest outside the Department of Agriculture. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times

Farmers have been attempting to secure an increase in prices, which they say have been as much as €350 less per head than in the U(...)

A file image of members of the Defence Forces during a training demonstration in The Curragh. An investigation is under way into an alleged assault on a member of the Defence Forces at the Co Kildare base. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Defence Forces member said to have been subjected to shocks as colleagues watched

Henry Burns,(left) the IFA’s national livestock chairman,  and Eddie Downey, (right) IFA president,  with livestock farmers at the start of a 48 hour protest last Sunday.  Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Simon Coveney says lengthy negotiations concluded with a ‘positive’ outcome

The number of gardaí working in the Dublin Metropolitan Division has fallen by 15 per cent in the last five years. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times.

Fianna Fáil concerned by decrease at time when anti-social behaviour issues on rise

Anti-water charge protestors in Coolock, Dublin last week. The Government is listening to the concerns of public has over water charges and is keen to ensure the charges regime is fair and something the public can have confidence in, Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin has said. Photograph: Collins.

Howlin says public can have confidence in fair and affordable charging system

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton today said a witness statement provided by an employee of his department who investigated tax evasion claims linked to senior politicians and others has been forwarded to the relevant authorities. Photograph: Aidan Crawley.

Enda Kenny says witness statement by senior civil servant was sent to the Garda

Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin has insisted that finance will be available to fully equip and staff the National Children’s Hospital once it is built.  Photographer: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Letter sent by Leo Varadkar warned about lack of money to equip new facility

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton. Mr Kenny today said Mr Bruton’s department had not been in contact with  current Attorney General Maire Whelan about a report containing allegations of tax evasion by senior politicians and others since she was appointed in 2011.  Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Taoiseach says very important tax evasion claims be ‘teased out and investigated’

Former minister for enterprise Mary Harney said in 2005 that she asked civil servant Gerry Ryan to end his inquiry into tax evasion in 2004 as it had been running for seven years. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien/The Irish Times.

Harney and Rabbitte clashed in Dáil in 2005 over inquiry being brought to an end

US envoy to the interparty talks Gary Hart speaking at a press conference in the US Consulate General offices in Belfast today.Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire.

Envoy says agreement between parties on budget positive but ‘basket of issues’ remains

A man has been arrested in connection with the abduction and murder of Jean McConville in 1972. McConville (left) pictured with her children shortly before she disappeared. Photograph: PA

73-year-old was latest man to be arrested by PSNI detectives over 1972 case

The Health Information and Quality Authority has published two reports on the nursing home - Áras Cois Fharraige, a 42-bed facility near Spiddal - which  note concerns about complaints procedures, the nutritional needs of residents not being well met and the privacy afforded to residents in shared rooms being unsatisfactory.

Reports on Áras Cois Fharraige note problems such as poor nutrition and privacy

The first bills will now be issued to households at the end of January next year, four weeks later than originally planned.

Utility’s managing director thanks public for patience as registration deadline moved to November 30th

A person who lives alone would pay €175.68 after their free allowance, or €43.92 every three months, while two adults sharing would pay €278.16, or €69.54 per quarter

Irish Water spokeswoman says details of numbers registered to be revealed soon

Pako Mokoba, who has been in the direct provision system for six years, told the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Service Oversight and Petitions, that  her life was also like that of someone living in an open prison. Image: Screengrab/Oireachtas TV.

Asylum seekers tell Oireachtas committee centres are 'like being in an open prison'

The Coalition is considering extending the period during which households will pay an effective fixed rate water charge to allow for the further installation of water meters

Irish Water claims installation of 455,000 meters has beaten target for the year

The chairman of the Commission for Energy Regulation, which regulates Irish Water, is appearing before the Oireachtas Committee on the Environment this afternoon to discuss water charges.

Cabinet agrees a communications revamp at Irish Water was necessary

The furore surrounding Irish Water will not be resolved by the Government removing the company’s senior management and board from their roles, Fianna Fáil environment spokesman Barry Cowen has said.  Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times.

Fianna Fáil motion on issues surrounding company to be debated in Dáil tonight

The chairman of the Commission for Energy Regulation, which regulates Irish Water, is appearing before the Oireachtas Committee on the Environment this afternoon to discuss water charges.

Commission for Energy Regulation appearing before Oireachtas Environment Committee

Dessie Larkin, who was previously a Fianna Fáil councillor, is facing nine allegations relating to incidents that occurred in 2006.

Dessie Larkin says he did not receive copy of code of conduct for council members

Social Justice Ireland director Seán Healy and analyst Michelle Murphy at the publication of the organisation’s post-budget analysis. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Social Justice Ireland says those who suffered most in crash left behind as priority given to higher tax cuts

Arrangements between Bus Éireann, Dublin Bus and the Department of Education relating to school transport services breach EU rules but do not represent illegal State aid, the European Commission has said.  Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Arrangement between Bus Éireann, Dublin Bus and Department of Education ‘not illegal State aid’

Those earning hundreds of thousands will not make ‘astronomical gains’, Noonan says

From left during the Budget speech this afternoon: Minister for Finance Michael Noonan  and Cabinet colleagues Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin, Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Tánaiste Joan Burton

€ 5 per child increase in child benefit confirmed along with 40c rise for 20 cigarettes

Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin (above) and Minister for Finance Michael Noonan have received  pre-budget submissions and met groups ahead of  tomorrow’s budget. Photograph: Eric Luke

Interest groups moving from a ‘just leave us alone and we’ll be happy’ stance

The winners: Anti-Austerity Alliance candidate Paul Murphy celebrates taking the Dublin South West byelection (left) and Michael Fitzmaurice (Independent) savours his victory in the Roscommon South-Leitrim byelection. Photographs: Alan Betson/The Irish Times and Brian Farrell.

Anti-Austerity Alliance tops SF in Dublin SW; Independent beats FF in Roscommon-South Leitrim

Nat O’Connor, Tasc’s research director, said cutting VAT by 1 per cent - at a cost to the exchequer of €350 million - would help to kick-start the economy by boosting domestic consumption and the spending power of lower income households in particular.  Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times.

Tasc says budget move would boost spending and benefit all rather than some households

Dublin gaelic footballer Michael  Darragh MacAuley (left) was among those who addressed the Oireachtas Committee on Health on the dangers of concussion today. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times.

Committee told items such as scrum caps lead to ‘risk compensation’ among players

Taoiseach Enda Kenny with   John McNulty (right). Photograph: Donegal Daily

Taoiseach says he let standards slip and it’s not worth winning a seat in such circumstances

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