BusinessIrish Life & Permanent signals 10% profit growth for 2002By By Siobhan Creaton and Finance Correspondent
IrelandPublic, private pay deals proposed in talksBy Chris Dooley and Industry and Employment Correspondent
BusinessM&T shareholders clear way for Allfirst acquisitionBy By Siobhan Creaton and Finance Correspondent
MotorsAlexei smiles wryly, preferring not to answer, when asked how such a poor population seems to drive only B MWs, Mercedes and Audis
BusinessRiverdeep going private for less than €2 'opportunistic'By By Jane O'Sullivan and Markets Correspondent
IrelandCardinal 'described abuse rules as only guidelines'By Patsy McGarry and Religious Affairs Correspondent
IrelandMediators in Venezuela reject violence to unseat ChavezBy From Michael McCaughan and in Buenos Aires
BusinessShipping to pay tax on tonnage as new regime gets EU nodBy Lorna Siggins and Marine Correspondent
IrelandEmployers who use illegal migrants may get jailBy By Nuala Haughey and Social and Racial Affairs Correspondent