Couple Gary Kelly (19) and Delia Keary (18) died after a road collision in Co Limerick on Friday. Photograph: Facebook

Gary Kelly (19) and Delia Keary (18) died after collision with truck on Friday evening

The scene of a fatal crash  on the N59 near Newport, Co Mayo. Photograph: Paul Mealey

Incidents in Clare, Cork, Mayo and Limerick claim the lives of four men and a woman

US president Donald Trump signs a memorandum to security services directing them to defeat the Islamic State in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington on Saturday. The US embassy in Dublin has confirmed that it is implementing the ban on people from several countries entering the US at its immigration pre clearance facilities at Dublin and Shannon airports. Photograph: Reuters

US president has placed a 90-day ban on entry to the US by people from seven countries

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said Fine Gael will not enter coalition  with Sinn Féin, saying their policies would undermine business and investment.

Kenny moves to clarify position, says Sinn Féin’s policies would mean massive job losses

Clodagh Hawe with her sons Liam (14), Niall (11) and Ryan (6). Photograph: Jacqueline Connolly

Bereaved women hope to raise €50,000 in aid of women and children affected by issue

The New Yorker magazine makes its feelings clear.

‘It started as a joke. The world underestimated him’ - El Universal, Mexico

The LÉ James Joyce has rescued 423 migrants from 18 separate vessels during a search and rescue operation 40 nautical miles northwest of Tripoli, Libya.

LÉ James Joyce in complex operation involving rescuing people from 18 separate vessels

Gardaí have renewed an appeal for information about the murder of Raonaid Murray on the 17th anniversary of her death.

17-year-old was murdered in south Dublin on September 4th, 1999

Eamon Cooke, a former DJ with the Radio Dublin pirate station, was jailed in March 2007 for 10 years for sexually assaulting young girls at his home on dates in the mid to late 1970s. He has now been linked to the missing person case of Philip Cairns, who disappeared in 1986.

Former pirate DJ jailed in 2007 for 10 years for sexually assaulting young girls

Swimming has been forbidden at four north Dublin beaches because the water has been contaminated by a suspected sewage discharge from a waste water treatment plant.

Rush, Skerries, Balbriggan and Loughshinny beaches contaminated by a suspected sewage discharge

Garda forensic officers at Hills Lane in Tallaght, Co Dublin,  where a man’s body was found on Sunday morning. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA

Gardaí identify dead man in his 30s, believe killing unrelated to other shootings in city

Joan Freeman, the founder of the suicide prevention centre Pieta House, is to donate her Senator’s salary of € 65,000 to the service she set up in 2006.

Joan Freeman to donate her €65,000 salary to suicide prevention centre she founded

Children jumping into  the Grand Canal in Inchicore, Dublin on Tuesday. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Good spell of weather to last until next Wednesday when temperatures will drop significantly

The Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin called for the chain of hate and evil to be broken on Tuesday in the wake of the capital’s latest gangland killing.

Cleric says ‘shose who cultivate violence thrive on our silence’ after latest Dublin murder

 Gardaí and a forensic team at the scene of the shooting at the Sunset House pub in Summerhill on Tuesday morning. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

Local Independent councillor Nial Ring says shock in the north inner city turning to anger

Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood in the fourth season of House of Cards which is available on Netflix from Friday.

All 13 episodes will be available on Netflix from 8.01am Irish time

Fine Gael’s Director of Elections Brian Hayes said the party “probably underestimated” the unpopularity of the Government going into the election.

Fine Gael’s Director of Elections says scapegoating Enda Kenny is ‘utterly unfair’

A horse stands still in the snow on Black mountain last month in Belfast. Photograph: Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

Met Éireann issues wind and snow warnings with period of ‘disturbed’ weather ahead

The planned expansion of the Dublin bikes scheme is on hold until further funding can be secured, according to Dublin City Council.

Dublin City Council says all potential funding sources are being looked at

The Minister for Transport Paschal Donohoe has appealed to unions representing Luas drivers and management at Transdev, the company that operates the service, to go back to the Labour Court to try and avoid a strike on Thursday and Friday.

Minister for Transport says he ‘cannot produce money’ to resolve problem

Spring has sprung but premature ditching of hats and scarves would be unwise with cold conditions predicted until after the weekend with frost and icy patches most nights and the risk of sleet and snow. Photograph: Niamh Towey/The Irish Times

Temperatures to fall as snow and sleet predicted overnight in some parts of the country

Research from Trinity College Dublin’s longitudinal study on ageing (Tilda) has found that negative attitudes to ageing affect both physical and cognitive health in later years. Photograph: Thinkstock

Negative attitudes to ageing affect both physical and cognitive health in later years study finds

Joanna, Benjamin and Vincent Rose. Photograph: Garda Press Office

Joanna Rose (30), Benjamin (5) and Vincent (3) had been missing from Bray since Tuesday

High winds in Dun Laoghaire on Tuesday afternoon. 15,000 homes and businesses remain without power on Wednesday morning after Storm Barney lashed the country on Tuesday night. Photograph: Stephen Collins/Collins

Areas worst affected include Bray, Greystones, Clare, Mallow, Wicklow

Emergency services try and clear a tree blocking the road near the Hellfire Club in Co Dublin on Tuesday evening.  Photograph: Dublin Fire Brigade via Twitter

Drivers warned of fallen trees, flights affected and Dalkey to Greystones DART suspended

A leading homeless charity has warned that the rapid rise in people accessing its services has placed a huge strain on its resources. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons/The Irish  Times

Homeless charity says numbers accessing its services up 68 per cent in 2015

Randy Blythe, frontman with Lamb of God, who says he was attacked in Dublin by a gang of teenagers on Sunday night. Photograph: Getty Images

Spay and neuter your feral children, heavy metal singer advises citizens of capital

Two sisters, whose stepfather was jailed on Monday for sexually abusing them over a ten year period, say they would like their mother to face the full rigour of the law for not reporting the abuse to authorities.

John Joe Patterson jailed for eight years for abusing stepdaughters over 10-year period

The former chairman of the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC) Alan Dukes said he is concerned he and other former directors will not get access to documentation being examined by the inquiry into the work of the former Anglo Irish Bank

Former IBRC chairman says law and logic “do not seem to meet” in this case

Senator Fiach Mac Conghail, director of the Abbey Theatre, during the launch of the theatre’s controversial 2016 programme. The Abbey Theatre has said it acknowledges that the programme, Waking the Nation, does not represent gender equality. Photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins

Theatre will host a ‘Waking the Feminists’ debate on the issue on Thursday

Irish people feel optimistic about their future according to a new study published on Monday with 44 per cent believing their lives will be better in 2025,  48 per cent expecting to be in a better financial position than they are today, and 42  expecting to be happier.

Factors contributing to future happiness include universal healthcare and work-life balance

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) is to ballot its members working in emergency departments on Monday over possible industrial action

Minister for Health says he understands frustration felt by nurses but says move will not get patients off trolleys

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin said the Catholic Church is dragging its feet over the divestment process in schools.

Archbishop of Dublin says there will be no future for Catholic schools if there isn’t a viable alternative to them

The use of illegal African and Asian migrant workers as cheap labour on board some Irish trawlers is a “national disgrace” and a blind eye has been turned to the practice for years, according to Ken Fleming of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

ITF union says blind eye has been turned to the practice for years

 A man walks his dog at a park through heavy morning fog in London. Three flights from Dublin to London were cancelled on Tuesday morning as fog in the UK continues to cause disruption to flight schedules. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA

Three flights from Dublin to London cancelled, passengers advised to contact airlines

A British Airways plane on the ground at Heathrow Airport Terminal 5, as dozens of flights have been cancelled at the airport due to thick fog. Photograph: PA

British Met Office issues another fog warning for Monday night, Tuesday morning

Children in front of an unsupervised Halloween bonfire in Dublin in recent  years. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons/The Irish Times

Gardaí and fire brigade issue warnings on fireworks and bonfires after incidents

Ken Carraher  at his Halloween House of Horrors in Killiney, Co Dublin,  to aid Debra Ireland. Photograph: Cyril Byrne / The Irish Times

Many Irish people now decorate their homes and gardens weeks before October 31st

Dublin Fire Brigade has urged attendees of illegal bonfires to refrain from attacking members of the emergency services.

Incidents in Dublin over last 24 hours saw emergency crews met with debris

Travellers are stereotyped as criminals and are seen as untrustworthy, a protest outside the Dáil over Traveller accommodation heard today. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Pavee Point criticises Government over Traveller accommodation crisis

Ireland is out of step with the majority of democratic countries in disenfranchising citizens once they move abroad, the Votes for Irish Citizens Abroad (VICA) campaign said on Wednesday.   Photograph: Julien Behal/PA Wire

Dáil to debate recommendation that emigrants be granted right to vote in elections

The family of Irish teenager Ibrahim Halawa, who was jailed two years ago over political protests in Egypt, attended a briefing about his case at the European Parliament on Tuesday.

Sinn Féin MEP Lynn Boylan urges Taoiseach to push for presidential pardon for Irish teenager

A baby girl was delivered overnight on the M50 by paramedics from Dublin Fire Brigade.

Ambulance called to Junction 4 southbound as woman goes into labour

Two men have been arrested after they broke into a house in Edgeworthstown, Co Longford in the early hours of Sunday morning and threatened the occupants at knife point.

Number of men broke into a house in early hours of morning and threatened occupants at knife point

 Emergency services at the scene of the fire at a halting site in Carrickmines, Co. Dublin. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny extends sympathies to the families affected by fire tragedy

Naomi Campbell at the Merrion Hotel in Dublin on Tuesday where it was announced that she will be the new face of Newbridge Silverware. Photograph: Sara Freund/The Irish Times

Investment will cost ‘in excess of €200,000’ according to Newbridge CEO William Doyle

Minister of State at the Department of Social Protection Kevin Humphreys won a car worth €18,000 in a raffle held by the St Vincent de Paul last week but has returned it to the charity.

Labour TD Kevin Humphreys wins Skoda worth €18,000 in St Vincent de Paul draw

Irish film director Johnny O’Reilly’s interview with a Russian television station was cut short when he said Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov had been thrown in prison for political reasons.

Johnny O’Reilly appearance on Life News cut after supporting jailed director Oleg Sentsov

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has upheld a complaint over an edition of Dublin Talks, 98FM’s phone-in programme, and a subsequent promo for the programme, which featured a contribution from a 13-year-old girl.

Phone-in programme featured call from 13-year-old girl when discussing adult issues

A man in his 30s has been arrested in connection with the murder of Martin “Matt” Kivlehan (above) in Sligo town on Monday, August 3rd.

Arrest is third in investigation after body of musician (59) found in his home

The Gaiety theatre and box office are operating as normal today after a fire in an isolated part of a cold room at the theatre on Monday evening.

No damage to building after electrical fault causes fire in a pump servicing cold room

Mian Shahid, a 19-year-old Pakistani national, was apprehended as he tried to board a flight to Dubai at 10.40pm.

Mian Shahid, for whom a European arrest warrant was issued, was on flight to Dubai

People queue for tickets to the Dublin Mayo replay on Dorset Street today. Photograph: Philip Mc Laughlin/Twitter

GAA site crashes under weight of demand for Dublin v Mayo semi-final replay tickets

Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson has called the decision by the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) to leave the Northern Ireland Executive dishonest, saying “exiting the field of play” was not a tactically clever first option.

First Minister calls decision ‘dishonest’ and says Sinn Féin living in ‘utter denial’

The  LÉ Niamh rescuing 225 people off the coast of Libya on Saturday night. Photograph: Defence Forces

139 men, 74 women and 12 children taken from two inflatable vessels overnight by Irish naval vessel

Met Éireann has issued a status yellow rainfall warning for Leinster, Connacht, Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal.

Warning in place until 6pm with intense thundery downpours predicted

A protest outside Clerys in support of the department store’s workers. The store closed on Friday with the loss of 460 jobs. Photograph: Ciaran D’Arcy

Protest in support of workers held outside Dublin store as KPMG meets union officials

Women who worked in the Magdalene laundries and remain resident in Ireland will get a medical card and other supports including home help, counselling and physiotherapy services free of charge from July 1st when the Redress for Women Who Were Resident in Certain Institutions Act comes into force.

Women to receive medical card and other supports including home help and counselling

Irish student Ibrahim Halawa  was arrested after a protest in August 2013 and has been held in an Egyptian prison since then.

19-year-old from south Dublin has been held in an Egyptian prison since August 2013

Minister for Transport Paschal Donohue said guarantees on Aer Lingus’s slots at Heathrow and jobs at the airline will remain in place even if International Consolidated Airlines Group is sold or taken over.

Paschal Donohue says guarantees on Heathrow slots will hold even if IAG sold or taken over

The funeral mass of Bill O’Herlihy will take place on Friday at 11.30am at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in Foxrock in Dublin. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

Broadcaster will be buried at Shanganagh Cemetery after funeral mass in Foxrock

Fianna Fáil’s justice spokesman Niall Collins told RTÉ’s Today programme he was disappointed with the manner of the decision by Averil Power (above) to leave the party. He disagreed with her claim that the vast majority of the party’s elected representatives refused to campaign for the same-sex marriage referendum.

Further acrimony as FF discusses Senator’s shock departure

Eileen King, Keith Mills and Dr Tom Finegan of Mothers and Fathers Matter at their press conference in Dublin on Wednesday. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons/The Irish Times

Group campaigning for No vote say people are afraid to speak up for traditional definition of family

Gordon Jeyes,  chief executive of Tusla, the Child and Family Agency.

Decision ‘absolutely nothing to do with same-sex marriage referendum’ - James Reilly

BeLong To Yes, the largest national coalition of youth and children’s organisations calling for a Yes vote in the Marriage Equality Referendum on May 22nd, gathered outside the GPO in Dublin on Tuesday to launch their Yes campaign posters. Photograph: Julien Behal/Maxwell Photography

Referendum an opportunity to ‘promote respect and reduce homophobia’

There are too many hospital emergency departments in the country and it is not sustainable to run them all properly, the Irish Association for Emergency Medicine (IAEM) has said. The association was commenting after a Health Information and Quality Authority report on Portlaoise Hospital (above), published last week, found that all levels in the HSE were aware of patient safety risks at the hospital but failed to act on them.

Irish Assocation for Emergency Medicine says too many departments have deficiencies like Portlaoise

A still from a video posted on the  National Animal Rights Association Facebook page showing a lobster taken from a Chinese restaurant on Wicklow Street in Dublin being ‘liberated’ at the sea in Clontarf.

Members of animal rights organisations take nine lobsters from tank and release them into sea

The Catholic primate Archbishop Eamon Martin (above) has said interfering with the definition of marriage is not ‘a simple or a trivial matter.’

Catholic primate Archbishop Eamon Martin urges people to speak up for the union of a man and a woman in marriage

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan  announcing the Governement’s Spring Statement to the Dáil.

Noonan says up to €1.5bn is available for tax cuts and spending on services in next budget

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said the Government’s spring economic statement is an opportunity for it to set out a plan for where it wants to the country to be over the next few of years. Photograph: Collins

Statement expected to set out scope for €2 billion in tax cuts over the next three years

Representatives from the  BeLonG To YES coalition at a meeting on the importance for young people of a ‘Yes’ vote in the same-sex marriage referendum. Organisations involved in the coalition include the ISPCC, Barnardos, Foróige and BeLonG To. Photograph: Marc O’Sullivan

May 22nd offers ‘incredible opportunity’ to look LGBT people in the eye and tell them they are equal

RTÉ’s deputy director general Kevin Bakhurst leaving the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications on Wednesday. Photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins

Deputy director general Kevin Bakhurst says groupthink does not exist at the broadcaster

 Saoirse Perry from Cabra who received a liver transplant last year with Minister for Health  Leo Varadkar at the launch by  Organ Donor Awareness in the Mansion House in Dublin on Monday. Photograph:  Gareth Chaney Collins

Minister for Health speaking at the launch of Organ Donor Awareness Week

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar has said it is not appropriate for government agencies to sue each other and that he would expect two bodies to sort out any dispute they had without resorting to the law.

Minister for Health responds to HSE threat to take legal action over Hiqa baby deaths report

Tánaiste Joan Burton has said she hopes the report of the Fennelly commission on events leading to the departure of Martin Callinan as Garda commissioner will be made available as soon as possible. She said she understands the Taoiseach is of the same view. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times.

Fianna Fáil leader accuses Enda Kenny of hiding over inquiry into Martin Callinan departure

Leo Varadkar described the range of measures as the most far-reaching yet to curb the misuse of alcohol

Penalties, including fines and prison, modelled on tobacco and sunbed legislation

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar pictured with Brian O’Mahony (L) chief executive of the Irish Haemophilia Society and  Barry Harrington (R), chairperson of the National Haemophilia Council at the launch of the new severe bleeding alert card  in Dublin on Wednesday. Photograph: Irish Haemophilia Society

Card will ensure rapid treatment within minutes of arrival at an emergency department

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar says the latest regulations mark the first time the Government is dealing with alcohol consumption through public health legislation rather than through licensing and justice legislation. Photograph: Cyril Byrne / The Irish Times

Restrictions on sale of cheap drink and warning labels on bottles included in new legislation

Rory McIlroy pictured arriving to the High Court in Dublin on Tuesday. A dispute between the golfer and his former sports management firm has been settled. Photograph: Courts Collins

No comment by either side but deal understood to involve $25m payment by golfer

Independent TD Catherine Murphy and Michael Taft, research officer with the Unite trade union who have called on the Government to host a European debt conference. Photograph: Collins

Motion to be debated in the Dáil on Tuesday and Wednesday nights

Labour party senator Lorraine Higgins said the 2nd February had never been a “drop dead deadline” for registering with Irish Water but said it was important “ for the purposes of allowances” that people register on Monday.

Labour party senator says it will be possible to put a charge on a property where water water bills are not paid

The European parliament in Brussels was evacuated on Monday morning due to a bomb alert sparked by reports of a suspicious car parked nearby.

Buildings evacuated in Brussels due to a suspect car parked nearby

Workers install water meters outside houses in Fortlawn Estate near Blanchardstown, west Dublin, earlier this year. Picture Colin Keegan/ Collins Dublin. Workers install water meters outside houses   near Blanchardstown. File photograph: Collins

Deadline of midnight to register with Irish Water to receive accurate bills

Minister of State at the Department of Health Kathleen Lynch unveiled a new fitness-to-practise regime  which will allow members of the public to get formal complaints examined against a range of registered professions.

Kathleen Lynch insists universal health insurance will be affordable

Minister of State at the Department of Health Kathleen Lynch said the Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney “should have known better” than to say he is willing to consider a pact with Fianna Fáil after the next election.

Minister of State Kathleen Lynch criticises disloyalty to Government

Jane Braidwood: The mother of three was taken to St Vincent’s hospital by ambulance but pronounced dead shortly after arrival. Photograph: Facebook

Suspect to be charged after Jane Braidwood (65) killed at her home

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar with  with Miriam O’Callaghan in RTÉ Radio studios on Sunday. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

Leo Varadkar becomes the first cabinet Minister in Ireland to be openly gay

In a statement this evening, Today FM said D’Arcy was leaving the station to take up a television and radio presenter role with the national broadcaster where he worked for 13 years

D’Arcy will present a daily mid-afternoon radio programme from February 2nd

Dr Dorothy Watson, of the Economic and Social Research Institute: ‘There have been important changes over time in the composition of economically vulnerable families.’ Photograph: Joe St Leger

Long-term study tracks almost 20,000 children born in 1998 and 2008

A water meter outside a house in Rathgar. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

Michael McNicholas says final budget only arrived at after finalising prices with contractors

Taoiseach Enda Kenny at the official opening of Facebook’s new Dublin offices today.  Speaking  today, Mr Kenny said the delivery of good, clean water to businesses and homes was important and needed investment. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times

John Tierney apologises to Irish Water customers and says there is a ‘fear of the unknown’

A file image from last week of Nellie Halligan, grandmother of the injured children, in the living room where a petrol bomb was thrown through a window. Photograph: Patrick Browne

File being prepared for DPP on 17-year-old questioned over incident in which three children were injured

Three people, including a garda, are recovering in hospital after a carjacking at Dublin Airport yesterday afternoon.

Three people, including a garda, injured in incident yesterday afternoon

Prof Alan Reilly of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland says businesses are putting their customers’ health at risk by not complying with their legal obligations for food safety and hygiene. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

FSAI chief says businesses are putting their customers’ health at risk

Tom Vaughan-Lawlor as Nidge in a scene from the new series of Love/Hate which aired last night.

976,400 people watched the opening episode of Love/Hate’s fifth series

The ESB this morning said it is working to restore supplies in a number of locations, including Glenageary, Co Dublin; Blessington, Donard and Tinahely in Co Wicklow and Westport in Co Mayo.  File photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

ESB crews hope to restore power to affected customers in Wexford and Wicklow by this evening

Consultant obstetrician and former Master of Holles Street Dr Peter Boylan has criticised a deficit in staffing levels and the lack of availability of intensive care beds in hospitals around the country. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Expert witness at Dhara Kivlehan inquest says bed capacity not sufficient for population needs

From left:  Sophie Healy-Thow, Emer Hickey and Ciara Judge who have won a global science research competition at the Google Science Fair 2014 in San Francisco.

Pupils from Kinsale, Co Cork researched use of natural bacteria to boost crop production

Irish Water/Uisce Éireann has begun sending out application packs to households in order to calculate their liability for the water charge.

Data protection consultant predicts complaints to utility, ‘many with strong basis’

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